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学名:Allophorocera pachystyla
Eyes appearing superficially bare, the eye hairs short and widely spaced (about as long as the combined diameter of 2 facets, and separated by at least 5 facets); frons narrow in male, external orbitals absent, reclinate inner orbitals appearing as a continuation of the frontals which decrease in size towards vertex; frontal vitta widening anteriorly; ocellar bristles proclinate; third antennal segment often enlarged basally in males; arista thickened for one-half to two-thirds its length; facial ridge usually somewhat thickened, broad and flat, never bristled above cheek groove; anterior subcranial margin moderately protruding; occiput with at least one row of short black hairs between the postocular cilia and the longer, softer, pale occipital hairs; gena as broad as, of broader than, parafacial at level of antennal insertion. Prosternum haired; humeral bristles typically 4, the middle basal displaced forward to form a distinct triangle with the two remaining bristles, the outer anterior bristle sometimes weak; first postsutural supraalar longer and stronger than first postsutural intraalar; sternopleurals 3; barret bare; inner margin of squama evenly rounded to straight, but not strongly convex; cell R5 of wing open in wing margin; base of r4+5 above with 2 or more small black bristles; bend of median nearer to hind crossvein than to apex of median. Abdomen broad and deep, as is characteristic of microtype forms. Compound abdominal tergite 1+2 with a single pair of median marginals, its mid-dorsal depression extending back to hind segmental margin; tergites 3 and 4 with at least 1 pair of median discals, often with a second pair irregularly arranged. Palpi brown, usually lighter apically; disc of scutum dark grey pollinose with 4 longitudinal brown stripes; posterior margin of surstylus evenly rounded.